


In the interest of strengthening security systems at WSU, the Interactive Communication Technology Department (ICT) recently launched a vehicle access control security scan device as a Pilot project in Mthatha.

Led by Director, Nkosinathi Zulu, the launch came ahead of the 2024 Autumn Graduation ceremony.

Zulu said, “As part of digitalising the institution, we want to make sure that we develop and introduce innovative tools that will help strengthen security. For this purpose, we want to make sure that we keep a record of all cars that are going in and out of the institution.”

The first stage of the device testing focused on license and license disk scanning that keeps a record of the vehicles that enter the institution daily, linked to the current driver that drove it in.

This initiative aims to enhance security measures by ensuring that all vehicular entries and exits are monitored and documented, providing a robust system to deter unauthorized access and enhance campus safety.

Zulu emphasized the importance of this project in contributing to the overall safety of the university community.

“The implementation of this vehicle access control system is a significant step towards creating a secure environment for our students, staff, and visitors. It not only enhances our security infrastructure, but also streamlines the process of monitoring and managing vehicular traffic on campus.”

The ICT Department plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the system during the pilot phase and make any necessary adjustments to broader rollout across all campuses.

“For us, security is very important, and this will serve support to the CCTV cameras we’ve installed to keep the campus safe. We want to make sure that the institution is secured from the entrance and that WSU community is protected at all times,” said Zulu.

In addition to the vehicle access control system, the ICT Department is also exploring other technological innovations to further enhance security and streamline operations at WSU. This includes the potential integration of biometric scanning and real-time surveillance systems.

By Ongezwa Sigodi

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