

Walter Sisulu University has an opportunity to remodel and decolonise South Africa’s “apartheid based” Law degree so to accommodate all South Africans according to firebrand Advocate, Tembeka Ngcukaitobi.

The critically acclaimed Advocate, author and former WSU SRC president, turned Convocation president was speaking on the much publicised de-accreditation of the institution’s LLB programme.

“I think we have pressed the LLB de-accreditation button too much. Perhaps we should look at this as an opportunity to start a new form of LLB that is decolonized and aligned to, African commerce, property laws and our new constitution. We inherited old laws that served apartheid policies.” said Ngcukaitobi.

The Advocate’s utterances are in line with WSU Convocation’s top five priorities which include WSU’s academic excellence and integrity.

Ngcukaitobi added that “WSU cannot be a dumping ground of academic garbage,” referring to how WSU is seen as a second choice institution for students who cannot be admitted elsewhere.

WSU Vice-Chancellor & Principal, Prof Rob Midgley said that with over 175 programmes at WSU, only the LLB remains unaccredited.

“Regarding the LLB, our efforts are beginning to pay off. Ten days ago the DHET gave its approval for the programme to be submitted to CHE. We now wait for the CHE feedback and given that we have followed the same processes as we did for Psychology and Social Work, we remain hopeful that the CHE will also be satisfied with this submission and that our LLB programme will be accredited,” Midgley said.

As a body that mainly focuses on fundraising for a University, the WSU Convocation president said it will prioritize students living conditions on campus residences.

“Another priority of Convocation is student life. We need to prioritize student accommodation. We also need to address the violence and substance abuse on our campuses,” said Ngcukaitobi.

As Convocation president, Ngcukaitobi had recently met with the campus Student Representative Council presidents to facilitate the signing of a pledge by the student leaders not to destroy university property during protests.

Tembeka Ngcukaitobi is also the author of a South African best-seller, “The Land Is Ours” – a book launched at WSU last year.

He was speaking at the Gauteng Province chapter launch of WSU convocation where a sub structure of the executive will be based to promote the brand and raise funds for the University.

By: Sinawo Hermans

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