


A third-year mechanical student from WSU’s Buffalo City Campus strut and charmed her way to ultimate glory after being crowned “Queen Majesty” at this year’s edition of the Miss Universities of  South Africa Pageant.

The 25-year-old stunner from Dimbaza, Chumasande Somazembe, breezed through the initial pre-judging phase on Saturday 26 November before outclassing the competition during the crowning finale at the Blue Waters Hotel in Durban on Sunday 27 November. 

“I’m still out of words, and to be honest it hasn’t yet sunk in. I’m excited about the journey ahead and most importantly, the friendships I’ve created which I trust will prove valuable and fruitful in my life,” she said.

Somazembe’s experience in the beauty pageant industry is extensive, and so is the collection in her trophy cabinet. Since entering Miss Kuyasa Uniform Junior as a nervous 15-year-old grade 8 pupil back in 2012, she has amassed over 50 titles.

Her plethora of accolades, amongst others, include:

  • Miss Ikhayalembongi Dimbaza 15/16
  • Miss Polar Park 15/16
  • Miss EFFSC WSU 21/22
  • Miss Personality Youth Idutywa 21/22
  • Miss Popularity Buyelembo 21/22
  • Miss Youth Impact Eastern Cape 22/23
  • Miss Hephzibah 22/23
  • Miss Personality Potsdam 21/22
  • Miss WSU first runner-up 21/22

Somazembe’s triumph will see her walking away with a cool R20 000 – a cash incentive aimed at helping her start her own or supplement her pre-existing business.

“The Miss Universities competition however was very special to me as it aligns with my dreams, hopes and aspirations of growing my foundation called Inyembezana which is aimed at changing the situation of young people and empowering them to be change agents who’re ready to change society for the better,” she said.

The day’s festivities proved quite fruitful for WSU, with one of its other entrants, Mthatha Campus’ Anesipho Dyosi, walking away with the Miss Universities of South Africa “Queen” accolade.

By Thando Cezula

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