

For his contribution to Modern Literature and African Literature Studies, Prof Menzi Meshack Minsie Duka has been awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Law, at the 2021 WSU graduation.

With his vast success in the field of education, the Professor has also cemented himself as a church leader, author, poet and dedicated nation-builder who is a patriot and a transformative intellectual.

“I want to express my gratitude to the university for recognising my contribution to education, writing and socio-economic transformation. Some people have contributed to the development of the society more than I have, but have never enjoyed a privilege of this nature while they were still alive,” said Duka.

As the co-founder of the Vusubuntu Cultural Village in Cradock, Duka researched indigenous knowledge systems for developing communities so that they could participate in socio-economic transformation. He undertook research for the Cradock Four Garden of Remembrance to turn it into a community development as well as a tourism site.    

“Today I deem it appropriate to speak on Prof Lovemore Mbingi’s ‘Consciousness-Based Education Model Rooted in Ubuntu’. Ubuntu is an African conceptualisation of who are they but it has not been explored for transformation in this country”

Duka, as a transformative educationist, worked beyond his call as well as a church leader. Ubuntu drove him to serve the nation to contribute towards building a better democratic society of a New South Africa of New People committed to the reconstruction of South Africa to be an equal, equitable, non-racist, non-sexist, stable, democratic and prosperous One Nation.

“South Africa needs people from universities who are empowered. Developed people, such as these graduates, are needed for a great deal of ethical transformation so that we don’t only rely on liberal rights. It is my view that our constitution has to be rooted in Ubuntu,” Said Duka.

“It is, therefore, my suggestion that the WSU explore possibilities of making a proposal to establish Ubuntu centre. That centre will be linked to the office of the president.”

Duka co-authored, compiled and edited literary publications such as Isihobe seAfrika entsha. His poetry has a strong inclination towards the decolonization of the mind within the African Renaissance context.

“I wish to refer my fellow graduates to Prof Mbingi’s model. I want you to know that you don’t only learn to develop yourself for your private progression in life, you have to think that you are living amongst people and those people have to gain from your education and your skills,” he said.

The professor is the main co-founder and principal of Nkosemntu Motman Combined School and Cradock Writers Association. He published books of poetry, short stories, essays, drama, and isiXhosa Literature Analysis in modern literary genres. He further published an isiXhosa dictionary, and English Biographies of Canon JA Calata former ANC Secretary-General and Matthew Goniwe an African revolutionary respectively.

-Ongezwa Sigodi

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