


The month of September commenced with the Council Statement of, 06 September 2022, which sets the tone and pace for Walter Sisulu University’s   consultation and engagement  processes before initiating the proposed  Rationalisation and Consolidation (R&C) project. Quoting Council’s words,

 “Management has been mandated to constitute a new steering committee (should include NEHAWU, APSA, and NTEU and may add other stakeholders)… that should consult with stakeholders in accordance with a presentation made to the Council, referred to as the “accelerated consultation programme”. The stakeholders must include: APSA, NEHAWU, NTEU, Convex, SRC (Student Town Halls) and Institutional Forum”.  Council will reconsider the matter again at the next ordinary council meeting on 7 October 2022.

In line with Council’s statement, the Steering Committee will convene its meetings every week on Fridays, with the first meeting duly constituted on Friday, 16 September 2022.. The members of the Steering Committee comprises the following:




Mr Z Mditshwa


Mr M Ngcizela


Mr C Manamela


Mr A Sogoni

The consultation conducted by the Steering Committee does not replace, but rather becomes part of the existing formal stakeholder engagement frameworks and in so doing, we are strengthening our engagement as a community. 

Key activities that the Steering Committee is currently busy with include deliberations on the implications that the Rationalisation and Consolidation (R&C) processes will have, with the key emphasis being on Academics, Human Resources, Academic Administration, Infrastructure and Finance.  The steering committee will go on a campus roadshow to consult after they have concluded the consolidation on the implications of the R&C.

In addition, management has constituted a Commission on Student Life, Wellness and Culture, which will focus on the impact of R&C on our student community. The composition of this Commission includes Student Affairs, Campus Rectors, Deans, Students (via ISRC Nominations).

The above are all forums that are pushing the culture of #LetsTalkWSU!  We must all have our say and it is important that we explore/ exploit this opportunity to not only change the world we live in, but also the world for those who come after us.  The #LetsTalkWSU campaign is a movement to create a community that can #collaborate (work together) and #Co-create (be creative together).

A key tool for our communications on R&C is the recently published “Accelerated Consultation Programme” referred to in the Council’s statement.  This roadmap evolves in line with Steering Committee deliberations and regular updates will be shared in the spirit of transparency and openness.

Amongst the other key actions taken to ensure we build capacity across the WSU community, was the Student Ambassadors Change Activation workshop held at Chistlehurston on 28 September 2022.  They will assist in ensuring the level of student awareness, understanding and participation across all the campuses are significantly massified. 

The Staff Change Champions Network - which will drive change and communications in the staff (academic and non-academic representation) sphere – is currently in the nomination stage.  Staff Change Champions will be appointed at campus, faculty, department level, to ensure that we understand the change at the different levels of the organisation and implement targeted interventions to ensure all staff are part of the journey.

Two critical events that will drive the next actions of the #LetsTalk Campaign is the outcomes of the deliberations of the steering committee on Friday, 30 September 2022 and it will be intensified after the Council meeting of 07 October 2022.

In the meantime, continue to read the Vision 2030 strategy document, get to understand the journey in pursuit of excellence and decide how you will #ChangebyChoiceNotByChance. Be part of your future!

#LetsTalkWSU proposes several channels to keep the conversation going.  Speak to your student or Labour/ staff representatives, write to VC or use the newly established two email addresses that will be managed by an external stakeholder. This will ensure you are given the space to air your views, comments, make suggestions and make constructive critique of the process.   

1. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Watch the different channels on updates, news, calls for action and what’s happening about R&C.

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