

The WSU Directorate of Learning and Teaching, in collaboration with Student Affairs and the Library, recently hosted a certificate and award event in recognition of this year's best and most promising peer facilitators.

Peer Facilitators who assist fellow students with inside and outside classroom learning in different disciplines and faculties across all campuses were in attendance.

These include PAL Leaders, Tutors, Residence Mentors, Reading and Writing center assistants, Information literacy assistants and E-Learning assistants who all assisted in improving the access, retention, and success of students at Butterworth campus. 

The event was planned and organised to certify all Peer Facilitators who assisted other students with their personal and academic development during the academic year. It sought to acknowledge and award the contribution and impact made by students (Peer facilitators) in trying to improve their student experience at WSU. 

Sandiso Mbongo, the coordinator and the leader of the programme said they would like to encourage WSU to create a culture of active participation where students are afforded a chance to build their own knowledge through formal and informal spaces.

“The University should adopt a holistic social constructive model in leaning and teaching that seeks to enhance student involvement in the production of knowledge,” said Mbongo. 

“All these attempts are to produce students that will be independent reliable, creative and competitive into a global village’’, he added. 

Writing Centre Coordinator, Caroline Dyakopu said that usually the function would issue out certificates, but in an effort to motivate students to take part in the programme, they decided to have an awards ceremony for best and promising PAL in each programme.

By Mandlakazi Khekhezwa

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