

Image: Kevin Sutherland

WSU Council Chairperson, Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi has been recommended by President Cyril Ramaphosa for appointment to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Ramaphosa has called upon political parties to respond to his intentions to appoint Ngcukaitobi to the JSC, in replacement of former member of the commission, Doris Tshepe.

In a letter to opposition parties, Ramaphosa said that the appointment was in line with Section 178 of the Constitution, which empowers him to replace members of the JSC.

"I would like to ascertain your views on the possible designation of advocate Ngcukaitobi SC to the commission. It would be highly appreciated if I could receive your views within five days of receipt of this letter," said Ramaphosa.

The JSC’s functions are to select fit and proper persons for appointment as judges and to investigate complaints about judicial officers. It also advises government on any matters relating to the judiciary or to the administration of justice.

The constitution provides for the establishment of the JSC comprising of, among others, “four persons designated by the president as head of the national executive after consulting the leaders of all the parties in the National Assembly”.

Political party leaders are expected to respond to the president’s recommendation within five days from the date on which the letter was issued.

Between 2019 and 2022, Ngcukaitobi served as the WSU convocation president. He currently chairs the institution’s Council.

By Yanga Ziwele


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