


Walter Sisulu University (WSU) proudly hosted the FameLab competition for its aspiring science communicators for the first time this year on the 23 and 24 May 2024 at the Mthatha Health Resource Centre.

 FameLab serves as a global platform challenging young scientists to convey their research in an engaging, easily comprehensible way within a brief 3-minute window.

WSU Director: Special Advisor Academic Affairs, Dr Phyllis Kedibone Chembe, said: “There has been a lot of improvement in the university regarding our research output. Two years ago we were the second last within the 26 universities in South Africa and now we have seen great improvements, but that only speaks to the institution's academics.”

Chembe added that as the institution they now want to focus on the students making sure that they contribute to the university’s research output.

“We want to create a research culture within WSU so that when the students get here they do not think that they are limited to the four walls of the classroom, they are meant to conduct research and contribute to the scientific knowledge, that is why in our teaching we encourage critical thinking,” said Chembe.

After a series of compelling presentations, the top prize was awarded to a Master of Science in Physiology and Anatomy, Siphosethu Mgwili, for her presentation about her innovation that allows amputees the ability to adjust their own height using prosthesis.

“I did not think I was going to win because there’s so many people with great ideas such as the ones who presented about cancer. I am a bit shocked and scared that I now have to go represent WSU at the nationals. What scares me the most is the story telling because I am used to scientific reporting,” said Mgwili.

Securing second place was Nasiphi Mduzulwana, a Master of Science student in Zoology, while third place went to Menzi Mhlanga, a Master of Commerce student.

The competition featured a diverse group of participants, including undergraduate and postgraduate science students. Topics ranged from ocean economy, medicinal plants and the ozone layer amongst others, reflecting the broad spectrum of research being conducted at the university.

WSU's inaugural FameLab competition not only highlighted the university's commitment to research and innovation but also highlighted the importance of making science accessible to everyone.

The competition was judged by a diverse panel of experts, ranging from scientists to communication specialists.

By Anita Roji

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