

Butterworth Campus’ Student Governance and Leadership Development unit sought to inculcate the value of ‘Ubuntu’ within its student as they recently launched a campaign aimed at staving off the intrusive effects of hunger amongst the student body.

Dubbed the ‘Stand up against hunger campaign’, the event took on a celebratory note as a whole lot of festivities unfolded with choirs singing and traditional dancers taking centre stage all in a bid to create awareness regarding the importance of compassion and empathy for one’s fellow student.

“We must try to bring back Ubuntu values, the Batho Pele Principles of taking care of others. Let’s support one another in whichever way we can,” said the campus’ acting rector Bulelwa Nguza-Mduba.

The day proved momentous for Nguza-Mduba as it signalled her first official address of a university-sanctioned programme as the campus’ top executive.

She pledged her support for the initiative should it continue into the future owing to its potential to enhance social cohesion and solidify relations amongst stakeholders within the campus.

The festivities proved so moving that the custodian of the programme, student affairs deputy director Vumile Sonqishe, pledged, on the spot, to sponsor one student with groceries for the remainder of the year.

So dire is the situation that the unit is currently seized with just over 20 students actively seeking assistance with regards to food and groceries

Sonqishe said their challenge facing these students vary and not confined to food alone, but include the need for clothing.

“The students identified as being most deserving of assistance are identified through our special cases committee during the registration period,” he said.

Student Governance and Leadership Development unit manager, Nombulelo Blaai, one of the champions of the initiative, said the idea was borne out of the fact that she’s been inundated with please for assistance with regards to these basic needs.

“I must reiterate that we indeed do vet these students, even going as far as making contact with their families. At times our social worker would take responsibility of playing the part of visiting their homes, “she added

The day’s festivities saw some members of staff generously donating food parcels aimed at easing the burden on the students most in need.

-Mandlakazi Khekhezwa

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