

Professor Fortune Ganda from WSU’s department of Accounting at the Butterworth Campus was recently crowned as the most productive researcher on campus.

Ganda was recognised for his outstanding research work at the last Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Awards Ceremony where the Vice Chancellor recognises exceptional academic and support staff for working beyond their scope of duty and services rendered during the course of the academic year.

“I never planned to be in academia, it’s something that just happened by fate because I had other career aspirations for my life. However, I could see my good research competences, skill and abilities when I did my first undergraduate degree.”

Ganda who never starts anything without prayer said that in order to reach that level of competency one needs to be disciplined, plan their research and include goals, finish what they have started, take care of one’s self, prioritise goals and avoid distractions.

He further explained that research is similar to creating something new, for example, carving a sculpture, one needs to take it easy, take their time and produce something that’s of high quality.

“All my research work has enhanced me to achieve this level one way or the other. As regards most citations I could say I have one article that I published in Journal of Cleaner Production arguably the best journal in the world on issues relating to sustainability. I have also published articles in top-tier journals such as Social Responsibility Journal and the Environmental Science and Pollution Research just to name a few,” said Ganda.

Ganda always makes sure that he puts his highest endeavour to assist students and staff with research because of his vision for WSU, to see it one day being named one of the top universities in the country and even in the world.

“I have motivated for the introduction of the Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Management Accounting. This qualification is now expected to be offered possibly in 2022. I am also currently motivating an application for the introduction of a Master’s degree programme in Accounting. These programmes are important to boost the post-graduate level of our students. I also offer support programs strategies such as mentoring and coaching.”

Ganda said WSU’s vision which involves developing world-class human capital from economically disadvantaged areas aligns very well with his vision so tackling issues relating to the sustainability of small and medium business enterprises along with sustainable delivery of services to stakeholders has become his priority. He plans to improve it by undertaking research that engages the communities along with motivating post-graduate qualifications that provide real solutions to real problems affecting the local communities.


- Anita Roji

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