

The author of Nelson Mandela: The Black Pimpernel, Dr TT Mudau approached Walter Sisulu University’s isiXhosa lecturer, Dr Monwabisi Macabela to rewrite the book in the Xhosa language without quoting it word for word.

Macabela, who hails from a small village called KwaNikhwe in Mbizana with more than 10 years of teaching isiXhosa and leading as a principal in the area before joining the department of Humanities & Creative Arts Education in WSU, jumped at the opportunity as his passion is to promote the Xhosa language.

 “The book is about the first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and the events that took place before, during and after his incarceration. It is about the audacity of hope that stood the test of time,” said Macabela.

Macabela who has experience in writing and completing books in a duration of a year or two, was given a two months’ deadline by Scorpion Publishers to write and complete the book.

The book is a reminder to all South Africans and the global community to value the freedom that they have because of the sacrifices that were done by the South African leaders in the liberation struggle.

Macabela has written before books such as Ndingamis’isibozo ngokuphatha, a novel which is about the challenges of being a school principal, Kuba mnyama kube mhlophe, short stories with the aim to encourage people not to despair when there are storms and Hamba bhekile which contains isiXhosa poems.

 “I learned the art of character portrayal, the conflict and social setting and how to write different genres from the likes of SEK Mqhayi, WK Thamsanqa and others whom I read their books a lot,”

To place an order for the book, you can call him directly on 0733253514 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-Anita Roji


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