


Directorate of Learning and Teaching (DLT) in the Mthatha Campus hosted a graduate development event where WSU Alumni from various fields equipped final year students with strategies to navigate their fields of study as they prepare to venture into their professions.

“It is very important for us as DLT to expose our future graduates to the outside world because we don’t only want to produce graduates who hold certificates, but graduates whot are ready to take on the world in their various fields,” said Academic Advisor, Thembisa Mthengi.

The event follows a number of programs developed by DLT, that include career guidance for students from high school which, according to Mthengi, is to assist students with choosing the right careers for themselves to avoid high dropout rates.

Several WSU alumni engaged students in various possible routes to consider as graduates, presenting a vibrant and relatable picture of the reality of entering the working space as a graduate.

“What I want students to take from this is that working hard is never enough, you need to excel through dedication and good discipline. What you learn from university could only be 10% of what is needed in the field, hence it is important to be open minded and be willing,” said Safety, Health, Environment manager at the Sun City Resort, Lwazi Mswelanto.

Mswelanto holds a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the university. He has more than 10 years of experience in Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality management among his qualifications.

“Activities such as these are very important in closing the gap of frustration when students have to be inducted in their field after graduation. Therefore, it is crucial that alumni take part in these events so that students that come after them are able to adjust and be active in the workspace,” said Deputy Director, DSRAC in the OR Tambo Municipality, Mlulami Tshota.

Tshota graduated his BA (General) in 1991. He is currently challenging himself with a Bachelor of Law degree within the university.

Two of the university’s Hospitality Management graduates, Akhona Bomvu, who also hold a Post Graduate Diploma in Consumer Science, and Siwaphiwe Qebula, emphasized the importance of never-ending-growth and self-development, highlighting them as significant tools for success.

Mthengi said the event formed a great part of the university’s strategic plan for pursuing excellence.

By Ongezwa Sigodi

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