

The Walter Sisulu University Council officially announced on, 21 December 2020, the appointment of a decorated scholar and alumnus of the institution, Professor Rushiella Songca, as its first female Vice-Chancellor & Principal.

Songca who previously held the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic Affairs and Research (DVC-AAR)) is also a founding member and member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of African Renaissance Studies (Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinary), and an admitted Advocate of the High Court of South Africa.

Over and above her resume and professional achievements, Prof. Songca prides herself as a person of values and principles; mostly owed to personal experiences during an era of oppressive racial and patriarchal systems.

“My values are centred around my experiences as a woman and more specifically as an African woman in the academic space. As the daughter of teachers, I have always held education in the highest regard and so my first foray into academia was a shock to me – especially insofar as its then exclusionary practices to woman and to black people. Although my early experiences were traumatic, I am grateful because they created a service orientation which I live by,” said Songca.

When interrogating the complexities of leadership, Songca says bending to the pressures of changing forces in her environment has never been her portion. She is decisive and steadfast in her values all-round.

“I believe that separating the person from the professional is where we are challenged as leaders. I therefore believe that one cannot separate your professional values from your personal values. Who I am in my personal space is reflected in my professional work and therefore the values I espouse as a human are the same that I take to work,” she said.

“I stand for honesty, integrity, professionalism and equality,” Songca added.

She has taught at various universities, among them: the then University of Durban-Westville, University of Natal, University of Transkei, University of Limpopo and University of South Africa.

“I always wanted to be an academic. I am fascinated by ideas and engaging with phenomena. Moreover, I am passionate about contributing to the general well-being of society through education. I thus have always known that I was a teacher at heart,” said Songca.

Records show that Songca has mentored countless academics and created opportunities that they might otherwise not have had. Speaking on her approach when it comes to empowerment, Songca pulls a leaf from the book of sage classics.

 “In essence, I am a person who believes in building others first. The old saying that a “manger always eats last” is something I practice and implement in my approach to people (staff and students alike),” said Songca,

She has been involved in different projects in different capacities, served on various committees and bodies, and also served (briefly) in the Presidency during the Thabo Mbeki administration.

When asked If she were to write her 5-year appraisal report as VC of WSU, what her highlights and achievements would be, the mother of two said she projects:

a. Increased cohort of academics with PhDs.

b. Improving WSU’s reputation nationally and internationally.

c. Instilling a sense of pride, kindness and purpose in our students.

d. Enhancing our academic offerings.

e. Fulling my vision of being: An impactful technology-infused African University in pursuit of excellence.

The Council’s process of searching for a new Vice-Chancellor and Principal for the next five-year term was concluded over two days of public presentations and closed interview sessions. 

“On behalf of Council, I congratulate Prof Songca as the Vice-Chancellor designate and wish her a successful and productive term as the next Vice-Chancellor for the University,” said WSU Chair of Council, Adv. Tembeka Ngcukaitobi.

Songca is a NRF C-rated researcher with expertise in the research area of Children’s Rights.

She was also recently recognised as one of South Africa’s most established researchers by the National Research Foundation (NRF). Professor Songca’s role as Vice-Chancellor and Principal at WSU will officially commence on 1 April 2021

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