

The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) at WSU shone the light on upcoming Small to Medium Enterprises when it recently commemorated World Intellectual Property Day at Zamukulungisa Site, Mthatha Campus.

Joining the gathering was Deputy Minister of Small Business Development, Nokuzola Capa, who spoke passionately about indigenous knowledge, emphasising the importance of IP for economic growth within the country.
"The department has given the university a mandate for it to establish an incubator (Center for Entrepreneurship Rapid Incubator) so that the system of education responds to the small businesses. The economy depends on small businesses for growth and job creation," said Capa.
She added: "The university is undergoing transformation by ensuring that it really talks to the people for who it has been established for. It has now moved from being a community within the university to be a university that is accessible by the community." 
The Executive Director of Research Directorate and Innovation, Professor Wilson Akpan, said: "We are dealing with the one entity that is responsible for development. In this gathering we are no longer emphasising the production of knowledge, but we are emphasising the production of solutions,” he emphasised. 
Amongst the SMEs were Professor Adebola Oyedeji of the Chemistry Department with her Creation Arthritis Tea, Dr Lydia Jaceni of Komani Health Shop, Mzwandile Nonkula of Damask Gin, Noziphiwo Ntlatywa of Ezinhle zeNkosi Creations, Vuyelwa Mciyo of Vuvu M Designs, Amanda Sihele of Tru-age Manufacturers and Honey manufacturer, Nzuzo Farming Pride.
Appreciating the support, she has received from the OTT and CfERI, Jaceni said: "SMEs are something that our economy needs at the moment."
She added: "As graduates, we go out there to look for jobs yet we have all this information that we don't know what to do with. These two offices have provided us with a set of skills to use this knowledge so that we are the ones who create job opportunities." 
Faculty of Natural Sciences Prof Benedicta Nkeh-Chungag said that as part of developing the university, IP day has given a platform for WSU to realize its strengths in research and innovation, especially in the part of traditional medicines.
"The university is now reinventing and positioning itself, not only in a position to train academics, but to also contribute to the economy of this nation, while pulling out the Eastern Cape from the portion of poverty and backwardness to a position where there is industry and generation of wealth," said Nkeh-Chungag.
- Ongezwa Sigodi

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