

IMG 0964

WSU Executive Dean of the Faculty of Management and Public Administration Sciences, Professor Bulelwa Nguza-Mduba has been appointed as the Deputy Chair of the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE).

The EDHE is the body responsible for promoting entrepreneurial education and capacitation of students, academics, and university leaders in South African institutions of higher learning.

As Deputy Chair, Nguza-Mduba will be instrumental in assisting the EDHE chairperson to conduct engagements with colleagues and build strategies that will advance the EDHE’s objectives.

“I am delighted to be appointed as the Deputy Chair as I am passionate about entrepreneurship education, more especially in assisting the youth to realise that the improvement of the country’s economy lies in their hands,” said Nguza-Mduba.

Promoting entrepreneurship amongst students and the broader community is one of WSU’s biggest areas of focus, and through this appointment, Nguza-Mduba aims to contribute to the university’s own mission.

Nguza-Mduba believes that with South Africa’s unemployment rate consistently skyrocketing, entrepreneurship is the paramount formula to improved standards of living and poverty alleviation.

“The aim is for students to be more successful in becoming economically active during and after their tertiary education. Upon graduation the students must be able to provide job opportunities for their local communities instead of becoming job seekers. Hence the need to develop flexible strategies to assist EDHE to enhance entrepreneurship education at universities.” she said.

By Yanga Ziwele

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