


Upon the commencement of her University Opening Address in Mthatha, WSU Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Rushiella Nolundi Songca, proudly detailed the milestones the Rationalisation and Consolidation project has achieved thus far.

During the address which took place on 13 February 2024, Songca highlighted the finalised appointments and acting positions of Executive Deans within the rationalised faculties.

“R&C is intended to propel our business enterprise forward, especially our core business. We recently recruited and subsequently appointed Executive Deans to drive the academic project. I have no doubt that our academic project will consolidate and we shall be able to achieve our aspirations,” said Songca.

Among the seven faculties, the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information; Faculty of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; and the Faculty of Management and Public Administration Sciences, have finalised appointments of Executive Deans.

“We are finalising the appointment of the Executive Deans for the faculties of Education and Natural Sciences. We have also appointed Heads of Departments (HODs) to help drive this academic agenda,” added Songca.

Songca also mentioned that vacancies for Deputy Executive Deans will be advertised internally and if no suitable candidates are found, external advertising will be considered.

“The role of HODs is going to change with R&C. HODs and Executive Deans will not teach undergraduate students, their focus will only be postgraduate students and managing their faculties and departments. Executive Deans have to make sure that the academic project is driven successfully.”

Songca emphasised that Executive Deans with their deputies will be responsible for their faculty research outputs, their faculty staff furthering studies, third stream income and short learning programmes within their faculties and make sure to push the agenda.

“HODs have a role to monitor and ensure that the strategic objectives and targets appearing from the operational plan and departmental plan are executed according to plan ensure that their programmes are accredited. That is why I say that they should not be in class so that the administrative role does not suffer, so Executive Deans and HODs we are going to hold you accountable,” highlighted Songca.

Songca concluded that managers will have to sign performance appraisals to ensure that they do what they are expected to do for their departments and faculties and that is how the academic project success will be evaluated.

By Anita Roji


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