


Walter Sisulu University (WSU) has sealed a strategic alliance with the Eastern Cape Department of Transport (ECDOT) through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that aims to enhance the delivery of transportation services in the province.

According to the MOA, the partnership will stimulate innovation through combined efforts of research and resources by implementing evidence-based solutions that address the evolving needs of the province.

The Executive Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, Prof Wellington Thwala, said this will be a lucrative opportunity for the university to fulfil its purpose of producing relevant and innovative research with societal impact.

“As a university, we have noted the need to come together as a province and find innovative solutions that are specifically tailored to solve challenges concerned with the province,” said Thwala.

Among the key initiatives highlighted in the agreement is a research study focusing on alternative methods of resurfacing and maintaining provincial roads while exploring cost-effective and sustainable approaches to road maintenance.

Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof Akinola Ikudayisi, the department is more than ready to support the ECDOT with scientific-based research that will strengthen safety and service delivery,

According to Ikudayisi, two research areas have been identified for this mandate.

“One of the areas of research we want to focus on is environmental engineering where we will be addressing issues of climate change because this is one of the factors that affects road infrastructure,” said Ikudayisi.

The second area of focus will be transport engineering, where researchers will study EC transportation systems for various modes of transportation.

During the 2024 State of the Province Address, Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane underscored a particular emphasis on the enhancement of road infrastructure, with a notable spotlight on rural roads and bridges.

Attention will also be turned toward increasing activity at Mthatha Airport, the pedestrian footbridges, and the growing concern surrounding stray animals, amongst other issues.

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Rushiella Songca said this is also an opportunity for researchers to conduct multi inter-transdisciplinary research to address these challenges.

“I am also looking forward to seeing research, from our young researchers in different faculties, that will address the several challenges faced by EC communities. For instance, we need to understand human rights limitations in relation to the status of those roads, and foster relations with the Human Rights Commission to address these matters,” said Songca.

Eastern Cape Department of Transport HOD, Maud Madumane said, “This exemplifies our commitment to driving meaningful change and innovation in our communities. Together, we will work towards building a stronger foundation for sustainable development and improved service delivery in the EC."

The agreement also seeks to address illegal taxi operations and associated challenges, including emerging technologies, violence, and route saturation.

Through this collaboration, WSU and ECDOT reaffirm their commitment to promoting sustainable development and ensuring that government services are delivered efficiently and effectively to the citizens of the Eastern Cape.

By Ongezwa Sigodi

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