


Walter Sisulu University has welcomed a generous donation of over R4.5 million from Steinmüller Africa to relieve the burden of WSU’s student debt amounting to R1.5 billion.  

According to WSU records, 72% of the University’s registered students are on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

“The funds will go towards students registered with science related programmes and those who graduated with outstanding student debt between the 2019-2021 academic year,” said WSU Chief Financial Officer, Morgan Nhiwatiwa.

Most WSU donations have been received towards the funding of students with historic debt largely from the public sector as per their scope of funding/donation targets.

“WSU relies heavily on public funding, which includes block grant, NSFAS and even bursaries. This means the misalignment caused by the difference in financial years between WSU and the funders leaves it unfunded from January until March. The first tranche of funds only comes in in April. In the time we await funding, salaries, contracted and legislated payments, and suppliers still need to be paid. Where there are no reserves the institution cannot cover these costs,” said Nhiwatiwa.

In other fundraising efforts by WSU, an Informal collaboration with the CSIR and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTIC), has assisted the University’s struggling Fashion Design students who are South African citizens in need of funding.

“Eleven students were funded by DTIC, and each received R20, 000. The funding was managed by CSRI in collaboration with DTIC, and R220, 000 has been transferred to our Finance,” said Visual Arts head of department, Pumlani Mbanya.

Mbanya made a clarion call to other academic departments to consider both internal and external socioeconomic factors, as well as how staff can support students who are a vital component of the University’s community.

WSU’s Directorate of Institutional Advancement have fostered a strong relationship with an organization called Feenix. Feenix is an online crowdfunding platform where students get to create and share their profiles with prospective donors.

“The outcome of the stewardship of this relationship has made a contribution of just over R1million rand towards the fees of students who were able to graduate” said Institutional Advancement director, Silvanus Welcome.

The Directorate of Institutional Advancement, through its Staff Giving campaign was also able to assist close to 370 students who had outstanding fees this year by clearing their student accounts.

“This made it possible for students to graduate and receive their certificates. The Advancement office would like to urge once again that all staff members participate in this initiative to support our students,” added Welcome.

Should you require more information on staff donations towards the WSU Bursary Fund, please do not hesitate to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..       

By Sinawo Hermans

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