

Genevieve McGowan a third –year Human Resource Management student in Butterworth Campus took part in the South African Board of People Practices (SABPP) National Top Student Recognition Awards and took first position.

SABPP is a professional body for Human Resource Management. She received the award at the South African Human Resource Universities Forum (SAHRUF) held at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) in August, 2019.

The SABPP Excellence Awards aims to recognise and reward top performing Human Resources students from all (SA HRUF) Universities in the country.

The forum provides an opportunity for HR students to showcase their talents by competing for the National HR Excellence Award. Each institution nominated their best student based on their academic performance, leadership, community engagement, presentation skills and appreciation of the HR profession.

The finalist had to prepare and present an impromptu presentation on HOW BLOCKCHAIN CAN IMPACT HR TAKING IT FROM GOOD TO EXCELLENT, after which they were interviewed by a panel of judges consisting of the CEO of the SABPP, an HR director, an academic and an industry representative.

Genevieve received a R20 000 cash prize, a trophy and a floating trophy, a certificate, a textbook, various accessories and a clothing voucher worth R1000.

She has also been invited to speak at the SABPP HR Summit on the 21st &22nd of August 2019 and the theme will be HR IN THE CHANGING WORLD OF WORK.

By: Faculty

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