As part of its infrastructure development, WSU has renovated the clinical skills lab situated at the Old Library building in the Nelson Mandela Drive Site, Mthatha campus.
The project cost a total of R12.5 million for construction and professional fees with a further total of R6 million for medical equipment.
This technology infused facility has been revamped to resemble a hospital setting, and to simulate a real hospital environment.
ICT Technician, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ongezwa Nyebevu, said, “Each ward and consultation room where the skills will be conducted have Internet Protocol (IP) cameras, these cameras are there for both assessing and capturing a learning session for future references. These IP cameras can further share a live video demonstration to other connected sites.”
The skills lab also has observation rooms built specifically for facilitators and clinical preceptors who will be assessing students as they practise their clinical skills.
These rooms are equipped with a microphone , speaker, and a TV monitor to further observe , assess and communicate with the student performing the skill on the mannequin patient.
The facility also has high technology mannequins that can perform a wide range of human functionalities.
“The first mannequin, Victoria S2200, is a high-tech mannequin which provides a wide range of skills and functionalities as an advanced Obstetric Patient Simulator,” added Nyebevu.
The simulator provides labour and delivery functions and features. The simulator can have various clinical conditions such as Shoulder Dystocia, Cord prolapse, Caesarean Delivery, Haemorrhage, Normal Delivery, and Breech Delivery.
“Another high-tech mannequin that is at the skills lab, SimMan3G, has its own various clinical features that can be performed to simulate a real life scenario,” he said.
He further added that some of its features include stomach distention, breathing, circulation and cardiac arrest amongst others.
The facility also has Intensive Care Unit (ICU) equipment such as Patient Monitor, Blood Pressure Machine, Electrocardiograph (ECG) Machine, Defibrillator, and Emergency Trolly.
By Anita Roji