

Bumping and grinding teeth may be a thing of the past following the invention of a road pavement analysis device that should reduce the occurrence of potholes on South African roads.

WSU’s Dr Samuel Abejide from the Department of Civil Engineering, Ibika Campus, invented the device the in response to ‘poor riding conditions on African road surfaces, especially within the Eastern Cape’.

The device will help upscale road infrastructure to a comfortable riding state while utilizing local resources.

“In many local municipalities, there is a need to properly provide transportation infrastructure to enhance the growth of the community by providing sustainable access roads to schools, hospitals and market places. The invention is designed for the purpose of road pavement analysis and failure prediction in real-time,” he said.

Moisture Instrumentation Sensor for Road Analysis (MISRA) develops a pavement confidence level (Pavement Quality Index) report based on the prevailing environmental service conditions of the road pavement.

“The result generated is based on Asphalt failure response models resulting from deflection and deterioration over a period of time-based on changing environmental conditions.”

The sensors are designed to collect environmental condition data that affect the lifespan of pavement while in service. The information collected is done via a web-based Networking database platform.

“The information is stored in a cloud repository database, which is further passed through a web domain platform. A front-end web interface is further designed to carry out an analysis of the pavement. A Java Expert Shell System Engine (JESS) performs the analysis.”

Recently, the academic graduated with a Doctor of Civil Engineering from the University of Technology.

“I feel excited and motivated to achieve more. I have realized that anyone can archive their set dreams no matter the setback or obstacles encountered. I want to achieve even more qualifications higher than the Doctorate,” he said.

He added, “I have always loved to be in a place where I can have an impact. WSU is a good place to showcase my abilities and to tell our youth that “location does not define your inner abilities”.

WSU provides me access to reach out to the much less privileged and give them hope that they can achieve their dreams.”

- Ongezwa Sigodi

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