


WSU Acting Head of Department in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Certified Medical Orthotist/Prosthetist, Luphiwo Mduzana has received an opportunity to travel to Scotland to gather knowledge and expertise around how prosthetic prescription guidelines are developed.

Mduzana serves both on the Education Committee for the African Federation of Rehabilitation Professionals (FATO) and  the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics (ISPO) scientific committee, who are organising the ISPO 2023 Mexico congress. His areas of interest are Prosthetic Prescription and Disability.

“My research looks at Prosthetic prescription. In South Africa currently, we do not have a national guideline that looks at prosthetic prescription. For my Ph.D. I am developing that guideline. The national guideline that is being used in the UK was developed here in Scotland, specifically in Strathclyde University, hence I chose to come here,” said Mduzana.

In 2019, there was a call that was made through the WSU portal that invited lecturers to apply for the Newton Fund travel grant to any university in the United Kingdom. He applied and his application was successful.

“Coming to Scotland is a dream come true in my academic career. Strathclyde University is one of the most prestigious and world leading university in research and technology. The field of Prosthetics and Orthotics is no exception in the Strathclyde, they have some of the best researchers in the field and have the best training equipment as well,” he added.

Mduzana further added that the six weeks in Strathclyde University will further allow him to collaborate on a research paper that will be jointly published between him and the lecturers there.

“As an New Generation of Academics Programme lecturer with limited skills and knowledge around teaching and learning, the visit will further enlighten me on how we can improve our own methods of teaching and learning when it comes to medical Prosthetics and Orthotics,” said Mduzana.

With his research he intends to strengthen Evidence Based Practice in Prosthetics and Orthotics in South Africa.

“Producing these guidelines at the end of my PhD will change the practice in the field of MOP

However, over and above my research, my intention is to develop a sustainable research collaboration and supervision capacity between Strathclyde University and WSU to develop a sustainable lecturer exchange programme,” he concluded.

Medical orthotists/prosthetists are concerned with the design, manufacturing and fitting of splints, braces, surgical appliances and artificial limbs. MOP’s are members of the rehabilitation team; helping those who require orthopedic support.

By Anita Roji


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