

WSU RESEACHERS THRILLED TO BE RATED BY THE NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION111Walter Sisulu University (WSU) researchers are delighted after thier recognition by National Research Foundation (NRF) for their impactful research output.

The NRF provides funding and resources for research projects, fellowships, and programmes that aim to advance knowledge, drive innovation, and address societal challenges.

The recognition from the NRF is a testament to the high quality and significance of the research conducted at WSU.

Researchers from various fields, including education, medicine, agriculture, and engineering, have received high ratings, underscoring their contributions to their respective disciplines.

Professor Newlin Marongwe from the Faculty of Education, specializing in Continuing Professional Teacher Development, has been rated C 2 NRF researcher, meanwhile Dr Ayodeji Oriola was rated a Y2 – NRF researcher.

Marongwe said it was a significant achievement for her academic career.

She said the recognition highlights the quality and impact of her research contributions to advancing knowledge in the field of education.

“The C2 rating reflects my sustained scholarly productivity and the acknowledgment of my work by peers and experts, and further reflects my commitment to rigorous scholarship and my potential for continued excellence as per our WSU motto, ‘In Pursuit of Excellence’,” she said.

The NRF also plays a key role in developing and implementing policies and strategies that foster a research-friendly environment, promote international collaboration, and build research capacity in various countries.

Marongwe said the rating would open new opportunities for collaboration and funding, allowing her to further expand her research and make meaningful contributions to the academic community and the entire society.

“I am deeply grateful to the management of WSU and the Research Directorate for their unwavering support and encouragement, which have been instrumental in achieving my C2 NRF rating,” she said.

“I sincerely thank Prof. Sone Enongene for his invaluable mentorship in helping me achieve this C2 NRF-rating milestone,” she added.

Marongwe pledged to mentor and support her colleagues, guiding them toward achieving their own NRF ratings and advancing their research careers.

Also, expressing gratitude, Dr. Oriola said he was delighted to attain the NRF-rated researcher status.

“By this prestigious award, I am spurred to continue with the exploitation of African medicinal plants for putative bioactive (antioxidant and cytotoxic) agents, which may help to promote good health and wellbeing – United Nations SDG 3,” he said.

The NRF's recognition of WSU researchers highlights the university's commitment to research excellence and its significant contributions to addressing societal challenges through innovative and impactful research.

In 2024, NFR rated researchers have increased up to 36.

By: Yolanda Palezweni

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