



Walter Sisulu University student from the Faculty of Educational Sciences has been selected to go represent the Eastern Cape Province in Sports coaching in the United States of America.

Mawande Mditshwa who is currently doing his Masters in Educational Sciences works as a Physical Sciences teacher at St Johns College in Mthatha and also coaches the school’s soccer team.

“I was contacted by the Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture (DSRAC) and asked me to apply for the opportunity, three days later I was told I was selected to represent South Africa in the United States of America,” said Mditshwa.

This 15-day training is a formal course for soccer coaching and instructing and will facilitate attendees to become professional soccer coaches.

“This training will give me a new name and open opportunities for me to be a multicultural exchange agent globally and allow me to own a soccer academy for both boys and girls,” added Mditshwa.

He further added that his wish is to use sports to save the youth from alcohol abuse and drugs not just in school but in the community as well.

“One of the interesting things that the course covers is how to speed up the process of organising funds for an organisation. This is empowering and will assist me a lot in my dream to own a soccer academy,” said Mditshwa.

Mditshwa says he is grateful for the opportunity and also learning the cultural differences he is currently experiencing.

By Anita Roji

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