


As WSU kicks off its academic year, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Rushiella Songca, delivered her 2024 opening address at the Mthatha Campusto reflect on the state of the university since rebranding as a university “In pursuit of Excellence” in 2021.

“In February 2021, the university embarked on a renewal project based on two pillars, the academic project and the infrastructure project. We deliberately engaged on what the Chairperson of Council calls the ‘liberation project’ where we had  to identify leaders, both internally and externally, who  will help us achieve Vision 2030,” said Songca.

According to Songca, the liberation project came after a walk-about with Council where she had first-hand experience of the students’ living and learning conditions across all campuses.

“Embarking on this project meant focusing on the end goal, closing our ears to nay sayers and taking a leap of faith in pursuit of the project of renewal.”

Rationalisation & Consolidation, infrastructure, Research, the appointment of Executive Deans in the newly consolidated faculties and student engagement were just some of the matters highlighted by the VC as she bragged about strides the university took which resulted in the institution becoming a university of choice.

Speaking about the academic project, the VC applauded the offices of the Registrar and Chief Financial Officer in their efforts to harness the talents of their team members and making sure that all academic activities proceed on time.

Meanwhile, addressing the infrastructure project, the VC highlighted the new state-of-the-art infrastructure set to transform teaching and learning methods in the newly consolidated faculties.

These include Interactive Communication Technologies (ICT), lecture halls, laboratories, and residences, amongst others.

“Regarding the learning spaces, we completed the R&C of the Faculty of Education (which started during the previous R&C), the East Teaching Mall followed, the labs (Marine Pollution Lab), and the simulation lab in the Old Library Building.”

“Today I’m proud to say that when  it comes to infrastructure, we have achieved what we could not achieve in a decade.”

Songca also touched on the importance of student engagement, noting: “Our students are central to our agenda; thus, we introduced a culture of engagement with our students. More work needs to be done, but it’s safe to say that the gap between students and management is closing. I request all managers, including executives, to embrace this culture of service and care to our students.”

Though Songca said there is much work that needs to be done. She applauded the WSU community in working together to make sure that the vision of the institution becomes a reality.

By Ongezwa Sigodi

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