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Master of Science in Geography


Master of Science in Geography

Programme Objective

Entry Requirements

As a result of its multi-disciplinary nature, this qualification aims to provide MSc graduates with: • specialized research and related skills that will not only enable them to identify gaps but also to provide sustainable solutions that can be applied in different geographical locations. • knowledge that will enable master’s graduates to synthesise the already available concepts and to find the best practices in the field of environmental and earth sciences. The developed knowledge can be used in setting up the national and international environmental agenda. • exposure to real-life physical, socio-economic, and built environment challenges which necessitate them to develop appropriate skills to address them at local, regional, and national scales. • excellent problem-solving skills that will produce competent environmental managers that will critically evaluate information, identify, analyse and solve complex environmental challenges. They will synthesise both the principles and practical applications of geography such as sustainable management and conservation of natural resources, which will benefit various levels of the South African community. Others will join the education sector and make a significant contribution in increasing awareness about the value and management of natural resources. • an opportunity to be creative, think independently, network in various environmental settings and forge partnerships with people and organizations within South Africa and beyond. It is essential for the graduates to possess the capacity to build the community and take part in rural development which is an important component of the university’s vision and mission.

Entry is by selection. A Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Botany, Geography, Zoology or equivalent qualification and an average pass mark of 60% is required. Students who do not meet this requirement but interested will have to undergo a departmental assessment to establish their potential to undertake the programme. Evidence of prior learning will be assessed through the formal RPL processes. Candidates will be required to submit a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) in the prescribed format. While the courses to be assessed are primarily university-based, in addition to bachelor’s or diploma qualification evidence from other areas of learning may be introduced if pertinent to any of the Exit Level Outcomes (ELOs) as stipulated in section 1.7 The RPL Screening Process of the WSU General Prospectus. Note: Each case will be evaluated on its own merit by the HoD in consultation with the relevant Lecturers

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