Doctor of Education
(i) Purpose of the Qualification
The Doctor of Education degree is the highest qualification that can be awarded in the field of Education and in the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework. A qualification may not be awarded for early exit from a Doctoral degree (MRTEQ, February 2015, p.50). Other articulation possibilities, either generic or specific arrangements could be acceptable. Particular rules of access to any other institution will have to be complied with.
This DEd is designed to equip students to demonstrate high-level scientific research competence, knowledge development in the chosen niche area that is relevant to the programme and to make significant and original academic contribution at the frontiers of their chosen niche area or in a sub-field of education. The research may be multidisciplinary or applied research and undertaken at the most advanced academic level. Seminars may be conduCPTD as a preparation for, or in support of the research, but may not contribute towards the credit value of the degree. Student will be required to present their work at WSU scheduled postgraduate seminars, three times over the duration of the DEd study, during the following stage, at proposal, work in progress and findings. At seminars quality will be checked and feedback for improvement given to students. The process will culminate in the production and acceptance of a thesis.
The quality of the research will satisfy peer reviews and merit publication. The graduate will be able to supervise the research of others in his/her area of specialisation (Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQ), February 2015, p.49). The doctorate provides training for an academic career (Draft CHE Qualification Standard for Doctoral degrees. For Consultation Only, 16 April 2018).
(ii) Minimum Admission Requirements
The minimum admission requirement for a doctoral degree in the field of education is:
• A Master of Education degree OR
• An appropriate master’s degree OR
• An appropriate master’s degree in the designated field of specialisation as per the
rules and of the University.