Admission Rules
Admission into the programme is contingent upon:
• Meeting the minimum requirements for admission to the programme; selection into the programme, (selection is limited by enrolment limits).
• Admission is on a first come first served basis for students who qualify in terms of selection criteria.
• Preference will be given to FTENs.
Programme Rules (Undergraduate)
In order to be allowed to proceed to the next level, the following criteria must be satisfied:
• All core courses/modules must be passed at the current level.
i. Registration requirements that must be met.
• First time entering students must enrol for all the required courses at that level (i.e. at S1/ Level).
• If a student fails courses spanning multiple levels, then the student must firstly enrol for the courses at the lower level. Consideration for enrolment of courses at the higher level will only be considered if the pre-requisite criteria for these courses are met AND if there are no timetable clashes.
• A student will not be allowed to jump levels or enrol for courses at more than two levels (e.g. a student with S1/Year1 courses outstanding cannot enrol for S2/Year3 courses but will be required to complete the S1/Year1 first).
• No student will be allowed to register for any courses in the mainstream programme until he/she has obtained the 120 credits required for the first four semesters of extended programme
• The Head of Department may limit the number of courses that a student may enrol for when poor academic progress is evident.
ii. Re-Admission of Continuing Students
• Only students meeting progression rules will be registered as per General Prospectus Rule (G7)
• A student who completes all core Courses and prerequisite Courses will progress from one level to the next.
iii. Completion Rules
• All courses and Courses in the curriculum must be completed.
• A minimum of 120 credits must be earned at each level of the curriculum.
• A minimum total of 360 credits must be completed for one to complete the programme.