
Contact Details/Information


Student should indicate on all email communication.

  1. Student number,
  2. Campus, and
  3. Subject

Emails without student number, campus and subject will take long to be responded to

Contact Details

For queries relating to outstanding balances, statements and financial clearance, please contact:

For queries relating to funding, allowances and appeals, please contact:

Applications, Admissions, Registration and PIN Queries

Data and uploading contact numbers

Queries can also be sent to

Contact Us

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Numbers:
Mthatha: 047 502 2100
Butterworth: 047 401 6000
East London: 043 702 9200
Potsdam: 043 708 5200
Chiselhurst: 043 709 4000

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