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SLP: Faculty of Law, Humanities & Social Sciences

The purpose of this course is to empower any individuals who are non-mother language speakers of isiXhosa, seSotho and SA Sign Language (SASL) with basic communication skills to diversify their language for multilingual society.

Mode of delivery: Contact and/or Online

Pricing: R 7500.00

Targeted population: Any individual with interests in learning isiXhosa, seSotho and SASL

Contact Us

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Numbers:
Mthatha: 047 502 2100
Butterworth: 047 401 6000
East London: 043 702 9200
Potsdam: 043 708 5200
Chiselhurst: 043 709 4000

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