Annual Performance Plan
Annual Performance Plan 2020
This 2020 Annual Performance Plan (APP) of Walter Sisulu University (WSU) is prepared and submitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in accordance with the requirements as outlined in the Regulations for Reporting by Public Higher Education Institutions, as gazetted in the Government Notice, 464 of 9 June 2014.
This plan is aligned with the approved enrolment plan for 2020 to 2025. Our understanding is that our reporting of performance against this APP will also take care of reporting the major commitments made and contained in the enrolment plan.
It also means that the new enrolment planning cycle 2020 to 2025 has officially commenced.
This APP is developed at a time when the University is in a process of developing its Strategic Plan to guide it in performing its operations and statutory functions through to 2030.
It is possible to have some alignment of this APP to the new University strategic goals, objectives and performance indicators because these are already at the advanced stage of development.
Nonetheless, the APP is aligned to provisions of the draft strategic goals and aspirations, as well as national targets as contained in the NDP 2030, provincial goals as outlined in the provincial development plan 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
As a University located in the African continent, we continue to reinvent and position ourselves by making our programmes and research relevant and responsive to societal needs.
The University seeks to produce graduates who are competitive at a global level and who will make a sustainable impact.
At the same time, our focus is on ensuring a sustainable and viable institution, with efficient and effective corporate governance and management systems being top priorities.
The University is committed to building a stable environment and a platform that will propel the University forward.
We aim to put sound administrative systems in place and in particular, to improve the infrastructure for proper living and learning conditions for our students.
We also need to ensure peace and stability on all our campuses.
The University finances have steadily improved over the past four years and although our financial performance is still short of ideal, our expenditure is within income levels and our cash flows have remained in positive territory.
We are living within our means and will continue implementing austerity measures and financial discipline.