Welcome to WSU's Student Health & Wellness Programmes
Student Health and Wellness Services and Programmes
Psycho-social and Mental Health and Wellness Services for all registered students.
a) Orientation of First Year students and ongoing induction.
b) Psychological / Psychometric / Psychoeducational Assessments that inform interventions or further referral & extra-time concession assessments
c) individual and group counselling/therapy
d) Psychoeducational Programmes and study skills workshops
e) At-risk student support is provided in collaboration with the academic departments and student tracking unit.
f) Support for students with Disabilities
g) Food Security programmes
Student Development Programmes:
a) Peer Helping Programme
b) Wellness Peer Mentoring Programme
c) Career Guidance Programme
d) GBV Championship Programme
Mental Health and Wellness Awareness Campaigns (incl. but not limited to:)
a) Mental Health Awareness Programmes (e.g., stress management, anxiety & depression management as well as suicide prevention)
b) Gender-Based Violence Awareness & psychoeducation
c) Sexuality and Sexual Rights Awareness
d) Substance abuse workshops
e) Community Engagement Programme
Career Development Services
a) Individual Career guidance and counselling
b) Career education workshops
c) Career Assessments
d) Employability workshops (Work Readiness Workshops
Job Search, Application letter & CV writing, Mock Interviews)
e) Graduate Recruitment Programme (GRP)
f) Community Career Outreach Programme