National Pollution Laboratory
The National Pollution Laboratory is a product of the MoU between Walter Sisulu University (WSU) and Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). It is one of the Operation Phakisa projects. WSU is hosting and managing the Oceans and Coasts National Pollution Monitoring Laboratory that col-lects, analyses water quality, sediment and biota samples along the South African coastal waters. The laboratory is in a process of accreditation with South African National Accreditation System (SANAS).
- To provide baseline water quality information that will support long term assessment of accu-mulative impacts associated with ocean economy initiatives. Areas of interest include ma-rine aquaculture facilities/nodes and embayments.
- To provide baseline information on water quality of the natural receiving environment (ecosystem functioning) near land base sources of pollution.
- To support recreational coastal water quality monitoring at local government municipalities.
- To build capacity in the field of marine water quality, sediment and mussels samples