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Agri Business Centre

  • The WSU Agri-Business Centre (ABC) vision is:

A prosperous, productive, inclusive and competitive household sector in regenerative food and agricultural systems.

2.         ABC MISSION

  • The ABC strives to improve the quality of life of agricultural households by promoting their equitable access to secure land for the full and sustainable employment of their labour and capital.

  • The primary focus of ABC in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, Africa and globally is:
  1. community-engagement;
  2. training and education;
  3. research;
  4. leading and facilitating agribusiness activities in core academic functions of research, teaching and learning in WSU campuses;
  5. short learning programmes;
  6. fundraising for agricultural households development; and
  7. facilitating formal academic programmes in respect of food and agriculture, which might lay the basis for the online School of Agriculture.


Contact Us

Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Numbers:
Mthatha: 047 502 2100
Butterworth: 047 401 6000
East London: 043 702 9200
Potsdam: 043 708 5200
Chiselhurst: 043 709 4000

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