Writing Centre
The Writing Centre is an integral part of the services offered by Learning and Teaching Development.
The centre is mandated to provide academic writing support to all students at the university as a way of responding to growing evidence that some university students are at risk of facing severe challenges in their studies as a result of glaring deficiencies in academic literacies such as grammar, vocabulary, text genre and inference, among others. WSU Writing Centres are not only a hub for campus conversations on academic writing, they are also a transformative zone that propels students towards the acquisition of academic writing skills required in higher education. The Writing Centre continuously strives to find innovative and practical ways to assist students so they can become more independent, versatile and effective writers, readers and thinkers. Students are served at all stages of the writing process in contextualized, peer-led and inquiry-driven services. Writing Centre staff work in collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders in providing quality services to the university community. Writing Centre work is informed by research and integrates technology in an effort to extend reach and to remain relevant and accessible.
The Writing Centre promotes the learner-centred philosophy as an important tool for learning and teaching. The Writing Centre provides an open and supportive student learning environment. In assisting students with the writing process, Writing Centre staff aim to develop each student according to their individual reading and writing needs. The focus is mainly on helping students develop their critical and reflective thinking skills. We treat all students (and their work) with respect, dignity and in a professional atmosphere. The services offered in the Writing Centre are free and students can visit as often as they like to be assisted with:
- Interpreting assignment topics
- Planning and structuring an assignment task
- Referencing (citations, bibliography, plagiarism)
- Assistance with oral presentations skills
- Workshops on academic writing
- Collaborative research
- Academic writing skills for postgraduate students
- Language development programmes
Contact Persons
Mrs. R. Ncube
Writing Centre Coordinator: Mthatha Campus
Tel: +27 (0)47 501 1941
Email: rncube@wsu.ac.za
Ms. C. N. Dyakopu
Writing Centre Coordinator: Butterworth Campus
Tel: +27 (0)47 401 6077
Email: cdyak opu@wsu.ac.za
Ms. N. Lufuso
Writing Centre Coordinator: Buffalo City Campus
Tel: +27 (0)43 708 4755
Email: nluf uso@wsu.ac.za
Mr. B. Bomela
Writing Centre Coordinator: Komani Campus
Tel: +27 (0)40 842 6868
Email: bbomela@wsu.ac.za