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Research Support

As an institution committed to teaching and training, Walter Sisulu University makes a wealth of resources available to students and employees. These range from training, electronic databases, as well as other sources such as SA theses and dissertations, and guidance on copyright.

Please contact the following library staff members for your reference and information needs:

Mthatha Campus Libraries

Sasol Library

Commerce and Administration

Faculty Librarian

Ms N Sokhasi:  047 – 502 2308

Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

Faculty Librarian

Ms L Tole:  047 – 502 2978

Educational Sciences

Faculty Librarian

Mr T Mabuto:  047  –  502 2315

Natural Sciences

Faculty Librarian

Ms B Bingwa:  047 – 502 2307

Client Services and Research Innovation

Senior Librarian

Mr S Mnengi: 047 – 502 2257

Africana and Special Collections

Section Head

Mrs V Lusu:  047 – 502 2382

Zamukulungisa Library

Site Librarian

Ms T Mpeta: 047 – 501 1433

Information Librarian

Contact Us

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Contact Numbers:
Mthatha: 047 502 2100
Butterworth: 047 401 6000
East London: 043 702 9200
Potsdam: 043 708 5200
Chiselhurst: 043 709 4000

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