


A Bachelor of Science in Chemistry fourth year-student, Sakhe Mcetywa used his financial ambitions and chemical knowledge to thrive as the businessman he aspired to be.

Due to unforeseen financial strains, Mcetywa was motivated to utilise his familiarity with chemicals and attempt to put together a formula that cleans and protects sneakers.

“It came to me because of my love for clean and fresh sneakers.  I realised that I should use the knowledge that I have acquired and come up with my own formula. I decided to spend a day in the lab putting chemicals together and hoping that I will get a break. That is how I came up with my product, Omari Industries,” said Mcetywa.

The self-made entrepreneur and upcoming chemist aspires and has very high hopes that his product reaches as many people as possible to steer him to his life-long dream.  

After hours of work trying to put together his product, his formula came together and he had to test it multiple times to make sure it was user friendly and that it has no side effects.

“I was very pleased with the results of my product and I felt moving a step closer to my dream of becoming an entrepreneur,” said Mcetywa

He continues to be an inspiration to his peers and those around him, and motivates them to go after their dreams. Mcetywa advocates for young people to never allow their past and current situations determine their space in society in the future.

Mcetywa added that “It becomes very difficult to support yourself as a student, hence the idea of starting a business came about. I hope my product receives maximum success so I can fulfil my dream and support my family.”

The product is still only available through direct contact sales, but Mcetywa plans to put it on the shelves soon.

By Hlomla Mpetsheni

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