


WSU’s newly installed Chancellor and Africa’s first black female chartered accountant Nonkululeko Gobodo recently called on business and industry to give women the adequate support and space to lead during her inauguration recently.

Addressing a sizeable group consisting mainly of her friends, family, academics and university staff at the Nelson Mandela Drive Site in Mthatha, Gobodo, a graduate of the university, said one of her most significant roles as the new chancellor would be to support Vice Chancellor Prof Rushiella Songca’s vision for the institution.

“We have a situation in this country where women are facing a lot of challenges – they work in environments that are hostile to them. They are expected to succeed whilst being undermined at every turn. Women deserve to be given space to lead like everyone else,“ she said, to rapturous applause.

Not suggesting in the slightest that standards be compromised in the agitation for a more conducive environment in which women can take up leadership positions, Gobodo drove the aforementioned point home by suggesting that Prof Songca, as vice chancellor, should be given space to implement her plans and strategies for the university without undue negative influence and pressure.

Reflecting on the institution’s dedication to courting her to take up the mantle as the next chancellor, Gobodo said internal battle ensued as her conscience confronted her with nagging questions.

“Mainly, I asked myself, if not me then who? On whom should this university rely if it cannot rely on one of its very own? Life indeed does work in mysterious ways – from being a student to a lecturer and now the chancellor. Indeed I’ve come full circle, “she said.

In her congratulatory remarks, Prof Songca spoke in the context of the country’s Women’s Month theme titled: “Accelerating socioeconomic opportunities for women’s empowerment: Building back better for women’s improved resilience”, which she said resonated greatly with the chancellor’s inauguration ceremony.

Regarding the acceleration of socioeconomic opportunities, Prof Songca highlighted Ms Gobodo’s ongoing programme of hiring second and third-year students to her accounting firms – an intervention that underpins the Chancellors desire to improve socioeconomic prospects for the youth.

’’The second theme relates to women’s empowerment. Your story epitomizes women’s empowerment in that you became South Africa’s first black female chartered accountant. This empowerment served as the impetus for your transformative initiatives such as such as the SizweNtsalubaGobodo firm, where you promoted economic transformation and empowered women as evidenced by the significant ownership or equity in your firm, ’’ she said.

The third theme was premised upon the phrase ’’building back better’’, central to which is the acknowledgement of various challenges and setbacks experienced by women and youth that include GBV, Femicide, lack of funding in higher education, and high youth unemployment rates.

Women’s improved resilience would be the last theme, a theme that recognizes the unique challenges and vulnerabilities faced by women in South Africa – challenges that the Chancellor herself hasn’t been immune from during her journey.

By Thando Cezula

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