


The unbridled passion and love for sports and all its accompanying and subsequent administration recently led to WSU marketing student McArthur Wulana being elected to the executive of the country's uppermost university sports federation.

It was during the University Sports South Africa (USSA) annual general meeting held at the University of Western Cape (UWC) in October 2023 that the advanced diploma student would be elected as part of the body's national executive committee, as an assessor.

“I'm very excited and proud to have been elected to such an important position - it is going to be a tough journey ahead but the opportunities that lie in wait I trust will make it all worthwhile,“ he said.

Central to Wulanas core duties as an assessor will be to mentor different universities regarding best practices in sports administration, as well as coordinating certain USSA sporting codes and sub-committees.

His journey in sports administration is intrinsically linked to his love for cricket, which, at the behest of his former mentor and former cricket Sipo Metula, he would manage at the level of the Buffalo City Campus in 2017.

Following his stint as the cricket manager, Wulana would garner further experience after being roped in to assist with the WSU rugby team, a responsibility of far greater significance and consequence owing to the higher profile of sport within the university.

He has since come a long way and drastically improved and enhanced his knowledge and experience, occupying critical roles such as, for instance, managing WSU's first-ever water sport, rowing; being elected on four occasions as the university's institutional sports council chairperson; being re-elected into the Border Cricket Club Committee from 2023 to 2026; and being MC for WSUs 2022 and 2023 Varsity Sheild campaigns.

“Sports administration is close to my heart because it allows one to be part of the ongoing transformation of university athletes into professionals who can make a good living from sports. A lot of our athletes come from humble beginnings and so being able to expand opportunities through which our young people can prosper becomes very important,“ said Wulana.

Wulana’s term is scheduled to last for four years and will see him occupy office until 2027. 

By Thando Cezula

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