


A WSU Masters student in Public Administration, Zona Ndamase (26), has earned a top 3 finish at the 10th Continental Essay Competition hosted by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) in Partnership with the African Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO).

ARSO is an intergovernmental body, established by the African Union and United Nations Economic Commissions for Africa (UNECA) in 1977 with the principal mandate to harmonize African Standards and conformity assessment procedures in order to reduce technical barriers to trade and therefore promote intra-African and international trade as well as enhance the industrialization of Africa.

The organisers annually invite students from institutions of higher learning in Africa to submit their essays under different themes.

This year’s theme was: “The role of standardization in promoting the growth of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) for sustainable, inclusive and diversified industrial and economic development in Africa.”

“In March 2023, I decided to enroll for the 10th Continental Essay Competition, as a writing center consultant myself at Zamukulungisa Site. I wanted to showcase skills I had gathered and express my love for writing. I am delighted that my essay managed to grab the attention of the organisers and has earned me a top 3 finish in this year’s competition,” said Ndamase.

Ndamase has shown an exceptional amount of skill and dedication to the art of writing and is a true testament of hard work paying off.

“I had always thought of myself as a good writer when it comes to essays, but that was not quite enough there was a lot on which I needed to train myself. My exposure to the writing center really worked a lot in terms of sharpening that skill and earned me the qualification to be a consulted so that I can also help other students become good writers,” added Ndamase.

To celebrate this remarkable accomplishment, the SABS has extended an invitation to The Continental Award Ceremony of the winners which will take place in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo in July 2023.

This competition is open to citizens of all African countries only below the age of 35 years living in Africa and studying in a university or college recognized by the local commission for university education or equivalent body in their countries length of essays.

By Hlomla Mpetsheni

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