


A generous donation of R1.1 million from the Motsepe Foundation will go a long way to ensure food security and feminine hygiene are taken care of for disadvantaged Walter Sisulu University (WSU) students.

According to Student Representative Council (SRC) president, Masixole Mabhongo, the institution will provide soup kitchens and sanitary drives across all four campuses for students in need.

“As WSU feel very honoured and grateful for the donation from Motsepe. In this institution we have students that are not funded, students who don't have any kind of income for support in their period of study. Our students will have something to eat because food banks will also be included. We saw a need to make this our priority because our students can't sleep with empty stomachs,” said Mbhongo.

During a meeting held at the Sandton Sun recently, 25 SRC Presidents were joined by their Heads of Student Affairs, as well as Mr Yandiza Ndzoyiya, President of South African Union of Students to discuss student funding and other concerns.

Among the challenges raised were food insecurity faced by students, poverty, and the need for multi-stakeholder partnerships that reduce student living costs while in accredited accommodation.

Mbhongo also added that If the SRC had more money, they would assist with the clearing of student debt as their primary goal so that students may receive their graduation certificates and be able to apply for jobs.

According to WSU records, 72% of the University’s registered students are on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

“WSU relies heavily on public funding, which includes block grant, NSFAS and even bursaries. This means the misalignment caused by the difference in financial years between WSU and the funders leaves it unfunded from January until March. The first tranche of funds only comes in in April,” said WSU Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Nhiwatiwa.

The Motsepe Foundation has also allocated 300 new bursaries for students at universities and schools for the 2023 academic year.

By: Sinawo Hermans

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