


In an effort to mirror the fast paced technological advancements of global academic trends, Walter Sisulu University focused its annual Research and Innovation Day on technology infused research methodologies.

“Technology infused and Innovative Research: Panacea for an Equal and Sustainable Development Society” was the theme for the 2022 Mthatha Campus Research and Innovation Day.

The annual event allows both students and staff members from that particular campus to showcase their research projects with aims to establish collaboration and build niche areas.

The initiative was necessitated by WSU’s underexposed research activities and expertise whose synergy and collaboration may be missing. The awareness of such expertise and activity is unknown to most researchers.

Directorate of Research and Innovation Senior Director, Prof Wilson Akpan, said: “Research is growing in this institution. We acknowledge that the number of articles published have increased, but the Vice-Chancellor says there is still a long way to go. Innovation is a national mandate, if other institutions can do it, we can also do it.”

Researchers were grouped into three focus areas:

  • Technology infused medical education and healthcare management - collaborative engagements with stakeholders for relevant and sustainable innovation in science and technology.
  • Promoting social cohesion and transformation in research - a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society in democratic governance,
  • and lastly, Innovative technology in teaching and learning.

National Research Fund (NRF) Chairperson and guest speaker,  Dr Nompumelelo Obokoh, said: “To be truly transformative we need to look at gender equality policies and programmes used to eliminate gender stereotypes through education, change social norms, promote positive role models of human scientists, and build awareness in the highest levels of decision making.”

Obokoh further congratulated the university for taking the role of women to the highest level, ensuring that women and girls are not only participating in stem fields, but are empowered to lead and innovate and are supported in their workplace.

“ I must say I was very impressed when I came through and saw that there are women participating and there are women in leadership positions.”

This is to enable colleagues to see where value can be added, encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and proposal writing ahead of 2023.

Standing in for WSU’s Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Rushiella Songca, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Institutional Support, Dr Prince, said:  We want to see research publications across all faculties. Although the number of publications are generally increasing, but the concern is that they are aligned to certain faculties.

By Anita Roji and Siyamtanda Kasibe

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