


The Faculty of Health Sciences recently installed a new Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics (MOP) lab with state-of-the-art technologies that will assist students with gait analysis.

Gait analysis is an assessment of the way the body moves, usually by walking or running from one place to another to detect any abnormalities in locomotion. 

Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics Head of Department, Luphiwo Mduzana, said: “ The introduction of this technology in learning will enable students to actually be able to conduct the analysis using state of the art gait analysis equipment instead of only using their eyes to analyse how an individual walks and what might be the problems with their walking.”

Mduzana added that an individual's gait is an amalgamation of multifaceted functions involving use of the body's visual, somatosensory and vestibular systems. Problems within any of these systems, as well as problems in the joints involved, can lead to postural and gait abnormalities.

“The combination of these modern technology equipment’s will enable our university to collaborate with other universities not only in Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics, but in Biokinetics, Biomechanics, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Occupational Therapy and any other fields related to human movement. These collaborations and research will boost our department,” said Mduzana.

The department is planning to compliment this gait analysis equipment with a 2D scanner and a 3D printer.

Mduzana said they hope to strengthen relations with the Eastern Cape Department of Health by inviting them to use the facility for research collaborations and to improve service delivery in the province.

Faculty of Health Sciences Dean, Prof Thozama Dubula, said: “The faculty is in the process of turning around the MOP programme, over and above purchasing this state-of-the-art equipment, the faculty has identified buildings that will be renovated and turned to a modern Orthotic and Prosthetic training laboratory. We are hoping that the renovations will be completed by January 2024.”

Dubula added that having upgraded the training facilities of the MOP program they will then be able to ensure it thrives as one of the flagships programs in the faculty.

They are expecting innovative and cutting-edge research that will attract not only potential students, but also national and international research collaborators and funders.

Visiting the lab, Walter Sisulu University Vice Chancellor and Principal, Prof Rushiella Nolundi Songca, said: “Infrastructure is one of the 2030 Vision enablers. We believe that infrastructure is an affirmation of the dignity of our students and lecturers, so as we teach we have to make sure that we renovate our infrastructure and install the ICTs that are required in order for them to succeed.”

Songca said she personally believes that if one wants to succeed in any teaching and learning environment they must take care of their infrastructure through maintenance, installation of new technologies and smart classes, and building more infrastructure wherever possible, because if not, the quality of learning of students will be compromised.

“In January 2021 we were one of the worst performing institutions when it comes to the spending of infrastructure grants. I made a promise to the Department of Higher Education in April 2021 that we are going to make sure that we improve in terms of the spending of infrastructure grants because we have policies in place that will enable us to do so ,” said Songca.

Songca added that In October 2022 they received reports from DHET that WSU was now amongst the best 10 performing institutions when it comes to infrastructure grant spending and the latest report which we received in March 2023 stated that WSU was the second performing institution.

By Anita Roji

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