

Overcoming Tragedy A Surgeons Journey11

Despite facing numerous setbacks, Lindani Mzize has achieved an extraordinary milestone, becoming the first doctor from his village at the age of 26. 

Mzize proudly obtained his Bachelor of Medicine degree at the WSU autumn graduation on May 8, marking the triumphant end of a journey that required a great deal of resillience.

Growing up in Bizana's Jali location, Mzize experienced profound challenges, including the tragic loss of his mother when he was just 14.

Witnessing this traumatic event profoundly affected him, yet it also ignited a passion for medicine and saving lives.

“It affected my social life in some ways. I could not even make friends. To some extent, I was challenged academically because whenever I had an episode, I couldn't concentrate and focus on studies. It would be so challenging for me because there was no one who could possibly understand what I was going through,” said Mzize.

Financial struggles also presented significant hurdles, compelling him to take on various jobs, including driving taxis, to support himself through his studies. 

Despite the odds stacked against him, Mzize remained undeterred, and persisted in his pursuit to succeed in medical studies.

“Struggling financially kept me going, funny enough. I wanted to do it for my late mother who believed in me and taught me almost everything at a young age. Today I'm proud to say I dedicate this degree to her, she deserved better. I'll always love her,” said Mzize.

The graduate’s story offers motivation not only for prospective medical professionals but also for those confronting seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

By Yanga Ziwele

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