

One of WSU’s most revered researchers at the Mthatha campus’ chemistry department has built her reputation not only through her academic prowess, but her ability to inspire her students to greater heights.

Prof Adebola Oyedeji has, over the years, built a solid research profile thanks to her unrelenting toil to develop a tea that helps with relieving ailments associated with arthritis and mental health issues such as stress.

Her vast accomplishments in research has earned the professor a number of awards, including a C3 research rating from the country’s foremost research authority, the National Research Foundation, as well as   one of the university’s most prestigious awards, the Vice Chancellor's award for 'The most productive researcher  in the senior category.

Through all this, one thing has become abundantly clear for Prof Oyedeji during her exploits -  mentoring and supporting students invariably becomes one of the measurements of one’s success as it relates to the material impact it has on the students.

"Mentorship is the bedrock of academic continuity (that is succession plan), students are my footprints and so l take them very seriously. No students graduate from my group without being inducted into some of the academic forums through conference presentations and workshops," she said.

Prof Oyedeji’s passion for mentorship stems from her PhD supervisor who, she says, supported and encouraged her immensely which helped mould her as an independent person who can square up against any adversity.

"I have followed this same pattern and it works. For instance, l don’t need to be on campus to tell you want is going on in my lab because each student has come to realize that they need to develop their competency and be ready to compete within the department, faculty,institution and beyond, she said.

 Prof Oyedeji said the majority of her students come from very humble backgrounds but through her mentorship, they quickly learn to be independent and self-confident – traits that are fundamental to any student who wishes to succeed in the rigors the natural sciences field.

Prof Oyedeji not only walks the walk and talks the talk, but she quite literally puts her money where her mouth is as evidenced by her sponsoring of many students over the years .. to attend local and international conferences.

"I support students in various ways using my publication funds to contribute towards topping up their debts  to clear their student debt so that they can focus more on their research ," she said.

-Ongezwa Sigodi

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