

Critically acclaimed Film Director and WSU alumnus, Nwabisa Msikinya Gxashe was selected by the Eastern Cape Provincial Arts & Culture Council (ECPCC) to screen her documentary at the 6th Kalasha International TV and Film Market festival in Kenya.

The three-day festival provides opportunities for film and television stakeholders whichinclude Netflix; to gather, discuss and exchange ideas, plan collaborations, share stories and develop new networks and business opportunities.

“I'm thankful that organisations like ECPACC are continuously giving us these platforms and funding to tell compelling stories that remind us of who we are as a people. As African people, it is important that we  wake up to the reality that no one can tell our stories as we can,” said Gxashe.

The film, titled: “Silibalekile: We are Forgotten”, dives into the misfortunes of elderly people who have been forgotten and often die alone due to abandonment by their families.

Gxashe describes a gruesome scene of one of her documentary subjects, MaDlamini, who inspired the documentary: “MaDlamini, is an elderly woman who lived a lonely life. The only other person that was ever seen inside her yard was a garden boy.”

“Madlamini died in her sleep and no one noticed until her employers came to look for her after she had not been picking up her phone for three days.”

The film first gained international recognition earlier this year when it was nominated for the International World Film Awards (IWFA) under the category of “First Time Director.”

Not long after that, the film was featured at the Kuumba Film Festival in New York.

“Our hope is that our elderly doesn’t suffer the same fate. The doccie seekss to challenge the younger generation to pay attention to the wellbeing of the elderly. It investigates different options available for the care of elderly people, including residential care facilities, hiring caregivers, and regular visitations.”

By Ongezwa Sigodi

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