


The Council on Higher Education (CHE), the accrediting body for higher education institutions in South Africa has reviewed 28 programmes offered by Walter Si sulu University, and the recent subject of a media furore, and found the allegation false.

More specifically, it has found the following programmes meet the requirements for valid offering: Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Phase Teaching, including the PGCE in Senior Phase and Further Education (Humanities), PGCE in Senior Phase and Further Education (Languages), PGCE in Senior Phase and Further Education (Science); Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Social Science; Bachelor of Social Sciences; Bachelor of Social Science Extended (ECP); Bachelor of Social Science (ECP); Bachelor of Social Sciences Honours Bachelor of Social Science (Honours); Bachelor of Social Work; BSc Honours in Computer Science; Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Bachelor of Computer Science (ECP); Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Sciences; Master of Medicine in Diagnostic Radiology, Master of Medicine in Family Medicine; Master of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery; Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and Child Health; Master of Medicine in Psychiatry; Master of Medicine in Paediatric Surgery; Master of Science in Chemical Pathology; Master of Science in Physiological Sciences; Master of Science in Medical Microbiology.

In a recent statement, the CHE confirmed that these programmes are on the PQM of the university, accredited and are registered on the NQF.

Vice-Chancell or of WSU, Prof. Songca, welcomed the statement, noting that “As WSU, we will continue to co-operate fully with the accreditation body.”

She stated further, “Five of our programmes are continuations of legacy qualifications which were formally accredited by the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF). In the coming weeks, we will continue engaging in our reciprocal relationship with the regulatory authorities to ensure the continuati on of these programmes and the offering of quality tuition. ”

“Ours is a pursuit of excellence. As such, we will conti nue to work with the rel evant authoriti es to ensure that all our programmes remai n worl d class, and supporti ve of student and i ndustry requirements,” Songca concludes.

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