


Walter Sisulu University (WSU) and the Eastern Cape Department of Education (ECDoE) have joined forces to save the mother of all professions through the implementation of an application drive focused on youth development and capacity building.

The initiative is designed to assist unemployed individuals who have a desire to pursue careers in education.

The application drive started in August at Alfred District Municipality and will finish in September in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality having reached all 12 Eastern Cape districts.

The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Rapid Incubator CfERI) Director, Dr Thobekani Lose, said: “WSU through its CfERI responded to the call for proposal by the ECDoE to implement and train 2400 unemployed individuals on entrepreneurship short course as part of contributing to poverty alleviation and social inclusion in the EC Province with the aim start their own businesses.

This recruitment drive is a concentrated approach soliciting to attract unemployed youth into the teaching profession in line with the government's priorities.

In the recruitment drive WSU also assists the education assistants and general student assistants who have an interest of pursuing a teaching career with admission applications.

ECDoE Human Resource  Development Acting Deputy Director, Luvuyo Mgijima, said: “The department analysed its employment summary where we focused solely on the core business of education which is teaching and learning. We noticed that we have an aging workforce after our analysis so we know in the next four years we will lose a certain number of teachers in their specialisation subjects so we offer bursaries according to that need.”

Mgijima further said, they noticed that when they issue out their bursary adverts around October, most universities have already closed for their applications, so they end up offering bursaries to people who are not sure of their university admission.

“It is the first time we are joined by a university when we do this drive. We are now at least aware of the potential bursary holders and if they meet our bursary requirements. In this drive, the youth that is assisted by the university to apply has to meet both the university and the ECDoE minimum requirements,” said Mgijima.

The fruition of the project is set to determine the longevity of the partnership and is expected to breed other possible collaborations.

By Anita Roji

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