



Spaces at WSU now display several decorative art pieces produced by Mbuyiseli Tshwati who decided to use his artistic skills to honour Walter Sisulu University (WSU) for employing him for more than 20 years.

The electrician in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Operations Division, has been working for WSU as an electrician since the early 1990’s and only realised his passion for art in 2009.

“When I realised that I had this talent I started at home, trying to recreate things that were going to be thrown away and made them beautiful art pieces. That is when I thought of giving back to my employer WSU,” said Tshwati.

He further added that the university is always the one that appreciates employees for their long service in the institution, however, he feels like employees should give back to the university whenever possible especially in a country where unemployment is very high.

He has crafted and redesigned many things in the university especially for the Vice-Chancellor’s office, despite having no formal education in art, but just love for what he is doing.

“I am left with a few years to retirement and I have decided to use this time to beautify my university without expecting any payment in return. Each week I notice different  dilapidated things around campus and request to take them home to redesign,” he added.

Tshwati further said university management has started to notice  and appreciate his work and they provide him with the support he needs to realise his dream.

“I have also been asked by the university management if I do not want to study towards art so that I can sharpen my skill and I am considering to do that next year,” added Tshwati.

He added that he believes so much in giving back and believes that it opens up for more blessings in life.

By Anita Roji

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