

The Southern African Association for Researchers in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) hosted its 19th annual Research School that was led by Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology, Prof Jogymol Alex.

This research school was set to provide Mathematics, Science and Technology PhD participants with the opportunity to explore various aspects of research processes.

“At each school, experienced researchers from regional and international universities are invited to run plenary sessions and workshops focusing on issues of research design and theory, data collection and analysis, and writing for publication,” said Alex.

The primary aim of the SAARMSTE Research School is building a critical mass of researchers and educators, producing people with the knowledge and skills that will enable Southern Africa to engage proactively in a competitive global economy.

Executive Director of the Directorate of Research and Innovation, Prof Wilson Akpan said, “The university is delighted to be associated with SAARMSTE research school because this is a gathering to develop scientists in the field of research. This (is) crucial especially in the times of Covid where we need scientists the most, for research.”

Joining these proceedings were Southern African Development Community (SADC) region higher institutions, including Rwanda, Maputo and Namibia who are registered doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and supervisors.

“Participants engage in presentations, workshops, poster sessions consultations related to their individual research projects and reviewing of an article that they intended submitting to the African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Sciences and Technology Education (AJRMSTE),” said Alex.

The Research School also fosters international, national and regional collaboration that will contribute towards a culture of continued Science, Technology and Mathematics Education research.

Dr Sakyiwaa Boateng who was one of the participants said, “This program has really supports(ed) my progress as an academic and will further nurture my skills of peer review. This research school also provided an excellent platform for coaching and mentoring, providing a firm foundation for building a successful academic career.”

-Ongezwa Sigodi

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